As a visual and content communication designer, I primarily work in print, digital media, and in physical environments. I have a background in art, photography, and film, which gives my current design work a multifaceted perspective. I care deeply about telling people’s stories and am fascinated by how these stories can resonate emotionally with others. By unfolding stories and creating resonance, I want my designs to help companies and organizations to make meaningful connections to the people that can benefit from what they provide. 

Specializes in Branding, Packaging, Typography + Type Design, Art Direction, 3D Visualization and Film Visual Design. Minor on Research & Strategy, and Motion. 
(CHN)        作为一名视觉与内容传达设计师,我尝试着在印刷品、数字媒体和立体空间之间辗转探索。得益于从小的艺术学习和本科期间在电影、摄影上的训练。在设计内容和意义上,自己更加注重去阐述个体、集体乃至群体的价值观和故事。当下的设计理念核心,是尝试着用视觉传达设计增进人与人之间、人与品牌之间、人与产品之间的共鸣。


Awards & Recognition
●  01. 2024–Present, SYLVAIN
●  08. 2022–01. 2024,
Apple Marcom
●  12. 2020–07. 2022, sweetgreen
●  08–10.2020, Josie Maran Cosmetics
●  06.2020, Chandelier Creative
●  05–08.2019, COLLINS
●  04–05.2019, Buck
●  11.2015–07.2016. Penguin App

CORE77 Packaging Award / Communication Arts 2023 Design Competition shortlisted

YoungBattle Awards 2022 Jury / Fast Company Innovation by Design Awards: The Best of Branding 2022 (sweetgreen brand studio team + COLLINS)

GDC Award 21—Merit Award / Adweek's 2021 Constellation Awards / Pentawards / Hiiibrand Awards 嗨!品牌 2020 / Dieline Awards 2021 / Young Ones / CORE77 Design Award


Award360° Graduation Work of the Year / STA 100 / Hiiibrand 嗨!品牌 Packaging Silver Award / Communication Arts / Golden Pin Concept Design Award 金点概念设计奖 / DNA Paris Design Awards / DNA Paris Design / PRINT Regional Design Awards / Young Ones / GDUSA American Package Design Awards

Pentawards / CORE77 Packaging Award / CORE77 Visual Communication Award / Young Ones / Young Ones / GDUSA / Graphis / Graphis

September–December 2018
ArtCenter College of Design Mentorship Program with Lippincott SF

Young Ones
/ Graphis Photography / Graphis Photography / Graphis

Press & Print Publication
Exhibitions & Features
●  M.F.A. | Graphic Design | ArtCenter College of Design 艺术中心设计学院 (2017–20)
 B.A. | Visual Arts (Media), an emphasis on photography and film | University of California, San Diego 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 (2014–16)
 A.A. | Liberal Arts | Santa Barbara City College 圣芭芭拉城市学院 (2011–14)
●  Slanted: Yearbook of Lettering #1, page 231
 Slanted: Posters Can Help (2023)
 Asian-Pacific Design No.17 feature 第十七届亚太设计年鉴 入选刊登
 The Dieline
 étapes: Le Savoir Emballé (Issue 253)
 Voyage Los Angeles
 GDUSA April 2019 magazine
 World Brand Design Society
 Packaging of the World
 World Brand Design Society
 Morre Design
 2020 Art & Design Education FutureLab 艺术与设计创新未来教育博览会
 The Grad Show & Tell by Design Diplomacy

If any of my work resonates with you, feel free to contact me for more information.

Typefaces: Diatype,  Maxi
Website: Cargo 3

© 2017–24 Yi Mao All rights reserved.
Nanjing, China + California, US
