Psychedelic Perfume

Editorial Design,  书籍装帧设计

With an idea of designing the hypothetical exhibition at MoMA PS1, Psychedelic Perfume is project that focuses on the editorial design associated a Varporwave-themed exhibition. It is predicting that potentially this contemporary subculture, Vaporwave, and its related art, music, and design will be formally recognized by the broad masses especially Millennial generation in the future. 
        以在 MoMA PS1 设计一个假想展览的想法为基础,“迷梦香水”是一个聚焦于“蒸汽波”主题展览相关编辑设计的项目。该项目预测,未来这种当代亚文化“蒸汽波”及其相关的艺术、音乐和设计,可能会被更广泛的大众,特别是千禧一代所正式认可。
Art Direction: Yi Mao
Designer: Yi Mao
Photography: Charlie Sin
Stylist: Yi Mao & Charlie Sin
Instructor: Simon Johnston

Typefaces: Diatype,  Maxi
Website: Cargo 3

© 2017–24 Yi Mao All rights reserved.
Nanjing, China + California, US