San Francisco

Branding, Packaging,  品牌设计、包装设计

Boudin Bakery is a bakery and restaurant chain originally from San Francisco, California, known for its sourdough bread. It was established in 1849 by Isidore Boudin, son of a family of master bakers from Burgundy, France, by blending the sourdough prevalent among miners in the Gold Rush with French techniques and longevity. 

Today, it is famous for its Bowl of Soup, which is a sourdough boule with clam chowder inside of it. In 2018, with well over 160 years of history, Boudin decided to preset its audience with a new brand identity and to-go packaging system, one that represents its same spirit but with a 21st century vibe. 

Goal: 100% Plastic Free Food Packaging
In the ArtCenter College of Design’s first 100% plastic free packaging course, students were challenged to rebrand a fast or fast casual food brand, and redesign their packaging system to be fully sustainable, using no plastic or bioplastic. Students were challenged to use new and old materials including biomaterials such as wood pulp, plant cellulose, food waste, grass, algae, and mushrooms that are sustainably sourced, and at the end of their lives, can be composted into bio-mass to regenerate depleted farming soils. 

Students were no allowed to use the following materials:
PET (Polyethylene terephthalate), PE (Polyethylene) (LDPE and HDPE variants), LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene), HDPE (High Density Polyethylene), PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), PP (Polypropylene), PS (Polystyrene), PC (Polycarbonate), PMMA (Acrylic), ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), PA (Nylon), PLA (Polylactic Acid—Starch Based Bioplastic), Any Non-Edible “Biodegradable Plastic” or ‘Bioplastic’ (AcC, PBS, PCL, PES, PVA, PHA).
        Boudin Bakery 是一家源自美国加州旧金山的面包店和餐厅连锁店,以其酸面包而闻名。该店由伊西多·布丹(Isidore Boudin)于 1849 年创立,他来自法国勃艮第的一个面包师世家。布丹将淘金热时期矿工们常吃的酸面包与法式技术及其长久的工艺结合,创造了独特的面包风味。
        今天,Boudin Bakery 以其招牌“面包碗汤”而闻名,这是一款用酸面包碗盛装蛤蜊浓汤的经典菜品。2018 年,拥有 160 多年历史的 Boudin 决定为其品牌重新设计视觉形象和外带包装系统,以符合 21 世纪的氛围,同时保留品牌的核心精神。

        目标:100% 无塑料食品包装
        在艺术中心设计学院(ArtCenter College of Design)的第一个100%无塑料包装课程中,学生们面临着重新为一家快餐或休闲餐饮品牌进行品牌重塑的挑战,并重新设计他们的包装系统,使其完全可持续,不使用任何塑料或生物塑料。学生们被要求使用包括木浆、植物纤维素、食品废料、草、藻类和蘑菇等可持续来源的新旧材料,并确保这些材料在其生命周期结束时能够被堆肥成为生物质,以帮助恢复贫瘠的农田土壤。

        PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯)、PE(聚乙烯)(包括 LDPE 和 HDPE 变体)、LDPE(低密度聚乙烯)、HDPE(高密度聚乙烯)、PVC(聚氯乙烯)、PP(聚丙烯)、PS(聚苯乙烯)、PC(聚碳酸酯)、PMMA(丙烯酸)、ABS(丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯)、PA(尼龙)、PLA(聚乳酸——基于淀粉的生物塑料),任何不可食用的“可生物降解塑料”或“生物塑料”(AcC、PBS、PCL、PES、PVA、PHA)。
Art Direction: Yi Mao
Design: Yi Mao
Photography: Jack Strutz
Stylist: Jack Strutz & Yi Mao
Hand model: Lemon Zhai
Instructor: Andrew Gibbs & Jessica Deseo
Advisor: Gerardo Herrera
Copy Writing Instructor: Polly Geller

The full collection of rebranded Boudin San Francisco visual language

A holder design on the container lid 
The to-go container designed specifically for the ‘Boudin bowl’

Early packaging and brand identity sketches
These containers were 3D printed at ArtCenter College of Design.
Models were designed in SolidWorks

Typefaces: Diatype,  Maxi
Website: Cargo 3

© 2017–24 Yi Mao All rights reserved.
Nanjing, China + California, US